7 & 8 May 2025 | Jaarbeurs Utrecht | Hall 9
Future Facade presents a dynamic program filled with sessions, innovations, and userscases. Below is an overview of the full program, designed to inspire and inform you as a professionals.
Speaker: Jette Hopp
In this keynote lecture, Jette Hopp (architect and director of acquisition and international projects) will share the vision of Norwegians leading architectural firm Snøhetta on designing our future facades. How does climate change effects the building envelop in the future and how can we embrace innovation even more in a changing world. Technology is getting smarter, but the need of taking care of our environment is growing day by day. Jette will share how these two developments can go hand in hand during this keynote guest lecture.
About Jette Hopp
Growing up multilingual with Norwegian, German and Danish, Jette Cathrin Hopp is a graduate architect and is the director with responsibility for acquisition and new projects. Jette is part of the executive management of Snøhetta. She has extensive experience in complex both Norwegian and international projects, leading major international project developments and competitions. She regularly lectures at architectural symposia, conferences and international institutions, sharing Snøhetta´s philosophy and design ideas and she is also a jury member for several architecture competitions and prizes. Jette is also regularly invited as critic to international architecture universities. Examples of her experience are her role as team leader for the museum in the King Abdul Aziz Center for Knowledge and Culture, Dharhan in Saudi Arabia and as project leader for a large hotel and resort development of Hvar in Croatia. She has led major international developments with focus on sustainability as Astana Expo 2017 ” Future Energy “, Kazakhstan and Lingkong Soho Shanghai, China, in Norway innovative environmental projects in Norway as Powerhouse One in Trondheim and Powerhouse Kjørbo concept phase in Sandvika which is the world first rehabilitated energy-positive building.
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Speaker: Lucio Blandini, Partner – Werner Sobek and Professor / director ILEK – University of Stuttgart
During this keynote lecture, Lucio Blandini, Partner at Werner Sobek and head of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK), will focus on the developments of adaptive facade elements that are currently being tested for future use. Our needs and wishes in society are constantly changing, and therefore the requirements for our build environment are changing as well. The design of our future facades should be more and more adaptive to this changing needs!
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Moderator: Marcel Bilow
Educational masterminds, former top students who eventually beated their grandmasters and have grown into serious positions in the design and engineering industry, will share their knowledge on stage on how to shape future proof facades. In Europe, the educational programs we offer our future architects and facade experts are well known, high level and an inspiration for everybody. But what can we learn from former students who are actually running the business nowadays?
How can we make sure that the knowledge of today is transferred into the brains of the talented future architects? And how does this effect the way we design and shape facades in the next 20 years? Leaded by Mr. Bucky Lab Marcel Bilow himself, these experts will share their visions on the shaping of the next generation facades and facade experts.
About Marcel Bilow.
Marcel Bilow is a German architect and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. He leads the Bucky Lab, a prototype laboratory where students learn to design and build facade innovations or innovative construction products from sketches to fully functional prototypes. With over 20 years of experience teaching building construction and product design, Bilow places great emphasis on hands-on research and education, particularly in the areas of facades, experimental prototyping, and production techniques.
In addition to his academic work, he has co-authored more than 15 books and has led a firm specializing in facade engineering. He completed his PhD at TU Delft with a dissertation titled “International Facades – Climate-Related Optimized Façade Technologies.”
Bilow is known for his practice-oriented approach, encouraging students to gain hands-on experience by building prototypes and learning from mistakes.
Speaker education program 1:
Juergen Heinzel, Associate Design Director and Lead Design Quality & Associate Partner at UNStudio
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Moderator: Christian Louter
In this block full of inspiration, moderated by Prof. dr. ir. at the Structural Design & Building Engineering department at TU Delft Christian Louter, this sessions zooms in on 4 top level R&D developments where the academic experts and the industry leaders came perfectly together.
In 4 showcase projects, couples of an academic speaker and a industry speaker inspire you with their insights, gained within these research projects and tell you how these findings will evolve our Future Facades.
When it comes to innovation in facade design, these 4 projects will demonstrate how this future is getting shaped.
Project 1: ‘Building with paper’ by Wolf GmbH in collaboration with Tu Darmstadt.
Speakers project 1:
Michael Wolf, CEO Wolf Bavaria GmbH
Michael Kraus
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Moderator: Christian Louter
In this block full of inspiration, moderated by Prof. dr. ir. at the Structural Design & Building Engineering department at TU Delft Christian Louter, this sessions zooms in on 4 top level R&D developments where the academic experts and the industry leaders came perfectly together.
In 4 showcase projects, couples of an academic speaker and a industry speaker inspire you with their insights, gained within these research projects and tell you how these findings will evolve our Future Facades.
When it comes to innovation in facade design, these 4 projects will demonstrate how this future is getting shaped.
Project 2: ‘Water-filled Glass’ by Wicona in collaboration with Loughborough University.
Speaker project 2:
Matyas Gutai, Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology Loughborough University and Founder of Water-Filled Glass.
About Matyas Gutai
Matyas is an architect, academic, entrepreneur, and developer of Water-filled Glass (WFG) technology. He has an architecture and engineering background and graduated from Budapest Technical University (March) and the University of Tokyo (MEng and PhD). Matyas has international architecture experience and worked for offices in Japan (Shigeru Ban Architects, Arata Isozaki Architects), Portugal (Alvaro Siza), and Hungary (Zoboki Demeter Associates, Balazs Mihaly Architects, Puhl Antal Architects) before starting his PhD on WFG. After he defended his PhD in 2010, he has been researching the concept of WFG for over a decade. Since then, Matyas designed and built two prototype buildings with WFG technology (Water House 1.0 and Water House 2.0), conducted long-term monitoring on the buildings, and developed an energy model for WFG with Fazel. Matyas founded Water-filled Glass together with Fazel and Daniel and is currently focusing on the strategic development of the startup.
Speaker project 2:
Marco Theisinger, Project leader Special Projects Norsk Hydro – WICONA
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Moderator: Marcel Bilow
Educational masterminds, former top students who eventually beated their grandmasters and have grown into serious positions in the design and engineering industry, will share their knowledge on stage on how to shape future proof facades. In Europe, the educational programs we offer our future architects and facade experts are well known, high level and an inspiration for everybody. But what can we learn from former students who are actually running the business nowadays?
How can we make sure that the knowledge of today is transferred into the brains of the talented future architects? And how does this effect the way we design and shape facades in the next 20 years? Leaded by Mr. Bucky Lab Marcel Bilow himself, these experts will share their visions on the shaping of the next generation facades and facade experts.
Speaker education program 2:
Jerzy Latka, Owner – ARCHI-TEKTURA and Professor – Wroclaw University
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Moderator: Christian Louter
In this block full of inspiration, moderated by Prof. dr. ir. at the Structural Design & Building Engineering department at TU Delft Christian Louter, this sessions zooms in on 4 top level R&D developments where the academic experts and the industry leaders came perfectly together.
In 4 showcase projects, couples of an academic speaker and a industry speaker inspire you with their insights, gained within these research projects and tell you how these findings will evolve our Future Facades.
When it comes to innovation in facade design, these 4 projects will demonstrate how this future is getting shaped.
Project 3: ‘Human Interaction’ by Pilkington in collaboration with TU Delft.
Speaker project 3:
Alessandra Luna Navarro, Assistant Professor at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and Owner Building Impulse.
Speaker project 3:
Marcel Ribberink, Business Developmentmanager NSG Pilkington
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Moderator: Marcel Bilow
Educational masterminds, former top students who eventually beated their grandmasters and have grown into serious positions in the design and engineering industry, will share their knowledge on stage on how to shape future proof facades. In Europe, the educational programs we offer our future architects and facade experts are well known, high level and an inspiration for everybody. But what can we learn from former students who are actually running the business nowadays?
How can we make sure that the knowledge of today is transferred into the brains of the talented future architects? And how does this effect the way we design and shape facades in the next 20 years? Leaded by Mr. Bucky Lab Marcel Bilow himself, these experts will share their visions on the shaping of the next generation facades and facade experts.
Speaker education program 3:
Jan Wurm, EU Engagement Lead ARUP and Professor Regenerative Architecture & Biofabrication KU Leuven.
About Jan Wurm
He gained his professional and scientific experiences in international architectural practices and universities. He worked in Poland, Ireland, Romania, Great Brittan, Israel, Japan and the Netherlands.
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Moderator: Christian Louter
In this block full of inspiration, moderated by Prof. dr. ir. at the Structural Design & Building Engineering department at TU Delft Christian Louter, this sessions zooms in on 4 top level R&D developments where the academic experts and the industry leaders came perfectly together.
In 4 showcase projects, couples of an academic speaker and a industry speaker inspire you with their insights, gained within these research projects and tell you how these findings will evolve our Future Facades.
When it comes to innovation in facade design, these 4 projects will demonstrate how this future is getting shaped.
Project 4: ‘Digital Ceramics’ by Hagemeister in collaboration with: New Shaping methods for a well-proven building Material
Speaker project 4:
Alexander Wolf, Group Leader Generative Design Lab TU Darmstadt and owner Studio5a.
About Alexander Wolf
Alexander Wolf is group leader of the Generative Design Lab, a research unit situated at the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design in Darmstadt. The experience gained in CAD, BIM and Generative Design throughout his architectural studies led him to write a PhD thesis on applied additively manufactured ceramics at TU Darmstadt’s faculty of civil engineering, as well as the University of Minho in Guimaraes, Portugal. Besides that, he investigated the topic of paper as a building material throughout multiple research projects. Being a registered architect in Germany, Alex is also active in building projects together with his wife at their office studio5a.
Speaker project 4:
Johannes Beusker, Leading Marketing & Product Manager, Hagemeister GmbH.
About Johannes Beusker
Johannes Beusker is the head of the Product Management and Marketing Team at Hagemeister Klinkerwerk in Nottuln. With 15 years of experience in product management and development across various industries, Johannes is passionate about driving product innovations. In the construction industry, he believes innovation is clear: create sustainable products that address climate change challenges. The Nesting Brick is a prime example, helping to preserve urban biodiversity. The technology of additive manufacturing enables Hagemeister to scale the product which is 100% handcrafted yet.
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Moderator: Marcel Bilow
Educational masterminds, former top students who eventually beated their grandmasters and have grown into serious positions in the design and engineering industry, will share their knowledge on stage on how to shape future proof facades. In Europe, the educational programs we offer our future architects and facade experts are well known, high level and an inspiration for everybody. But what can we learn from former students who are actually running the business nowadays?
How can we make sure that the knowledge of today is transferred into the brains of the talented future architects? And how does this effect the way we design and shape facades in the next 20 years? Leaded by Mr. Bucky Lab Marcel Bilow himself, these experts will share their visions on the shaping of the next generation facades and facade experts.
Speaker education program 4:
Lisa Rammig, Director Eckersley O’Callaghan
About Lisa Ramming.
Lisa is a Director at Eckersley O’Callaghan, having joined in 2013 to support the emerging facade engineering service which complements the practice’s work in structural engineering and envelope design.
Since mid-2017 Lisa is responsible for EOC’s recently opened San Francisco office, growing the studio and presence on the West Coast and the local team after having spent significant amount of project-related time in the Bay-Area over the past years.
She leads many of the facade group’s most challenging projects including a large corporate campus in California and facade specific work to a number of high profile retail stores. Through her education and relationships within the European Facade Network, she remains heavily involved in academia and has built strong links between research and industry. This unique position enables her to identify and integrate innovative products and approaches for the practical application on cutting-edge building envelopes.
Lisa has the responsibility of directing EOC’s R&D efforts globally, focusing on innovative glass designs and technology which maintain EOC’s position as leaders in the field, but also identifying new fields of research including a variety of materials and novel analysis approaches. Whilst remaining heavily involved in her own research projects, she focuses the team in developing their own areas of technical enquiry. In addition to the industry driven R&D efforts at EOC, Lisa is part of the Facade Research Group at TU Delft, where she carried out her doctoral research on transparent glass connections.
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The last few years, lot’s of research has been conducted, and many innovations did appear in the facade industry. But still we see a lot of traditional facades in the build environment and it continues to seem very hard to get things scalable. Is there a gap between what regulations do allow us to build, and what designers wants to implement into their designs? And how can we overcome challenges for clients when it comes to sustainability or low carbon designing? What are the typical threats for implementing new techniques, and make more adaptive and sustainable facades? During this panel discussion, different experts in facade design and engineering will discuss the biggest hurdles, and give strong examples in how to overcome these in future projects.
Christian Louter
Speaker 1
Leonie van Ginkel
Frontwise Facades
Leonie van Ginkel is co-owner of Frontwise Facades in the Netherlands. As an advisor, she has a passion for the technical design of facades. In her job, she combines architecture, structural design and building physics throughout different stages in designing a building and a building envelop. Leonie has a degree in architecture and buildingtechnologie in TU Delft with facades as specialism. Her strong interest in new products and techniques started to grow during her internship at Permasteelisa and grew even more during her time at Hunter Douglas.
After this, she joined ARUP in New York and Amsterdam, where she specialized in advance facade techniques and sustainability. Leonie is very experienced in complexe facade projects and has a strong vision in how to incorporate innovative solutions in to facade designs.
Speaker 2
Gijs Rikken
Senior Partner MVRDV
Gijs Rikken (1980, Boxtel, The Netherlands) is an architect and Associate Design Director at MVRDV since 2007. At MVRDV, Gijs is responsible for the design and execution of a wide variety of projects, ranging from large-scale, complex buildings to detailed innovative material research.
“At MVRDV, we continuously push the envelope. As architects, we have an obligation to try to change the world into something better. Something greener, more social, more mixed, more accessible, more wonderful.”
Key projects include such completed buildings as the Glass Farm in Schijndel, The Crystal Houses in Amsterdam and the Balancing Barn in Suffolk, England. Other defining works consist of the winning design for the Urban Hybrid in Emmen, the Coral Tower in Sydney and the Theater aan de Parade in Den Bosch. He is currently responsible for the development and construction of Valley, a 75,000m2 mixed-use building in Amsterdam which boasts three residential, green-covered towers and a publicly accessible, vertical park
Speaker 3
Paul Rouven-Denz
At Priedemann Facade Experts, Paul-Rouven Denz set up the research and development department from 2014 with a focus on new facade technologies, materials, systems and planning processes. Since January 2022, Denz has been Head of Projects and authorized signatory for the overall operational business of Priedemann Fassadenberatung GmbH and Facade-Lab GmbH, including R&D.
Paul-Rouven Denz studied architecture and urban planning at the University of Stuttgart and the E.T.S.A. Madrid with a focus on “resource-efficient building construction” and “building construction”. Mr. Denz has gained extensive experience in flagship and research projects on the subject of sustainability in Germany and abroad and has successfully participated in architecture and innovation competitions. Denz has worked at Foster & Partners (London), Werner Sobek (Stuttgart), Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart), IBK2 (University of Stuttgart), Gutierrezdela Fuente Arquitectos (Madrid) and ATOL Architects (Shanghai), among others.
Since 2017, Denz has also been a doctoral student at the TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, and is investigating “Smart Textile Skins” for material and energy-efficient building envelopes.
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In a fast changing world, changes in the build environment will come along automatically. But if we compare the different standards we are using in Europe to design facades, lots of differences do appear.
When it comes to circularity standards, re-used products and the certification needs, fire safety measurements and so on, we all have our own approaches and visions. There is no such thing as a European Building Standard, but what can we learn from all these different approaches? During this session, facade experts from different countries will share their insights, learnings and failures they’ve experienced in international projects and leaded by Aulikki Sonntag, Business Development Manager at Staticus, they will debate what would be necessary to achieve a more equal playing field in Europe for facade designing and engineering.
Host – Aulikki Sonntag
Speaker 1 – Robert Capel
Speaker 2 – Damian Rogan
Damian established Eckersley O’Callaghan’s facade engineering group in 2012 and today leads a team of 30 engineers in London while supporting offices in the US, Hong Kong and Sydney. EOC has built a reputation for design and innovation across structures and facades and is engaged on eye-catching projects around the world. Damian is heavily involved in the practice’s R&D and low-carbon design initiatives and is a member of the CWCT sustainability committee.
Speaker 3 – Thomas Henriksen
Thomas has a Doctorate in Architectural Engineering from TUDelft and over 20 years specialised experience in structural and facade engineering across a range of energy efficient buildings and infrastructure projects worldwide.
Previous roles include Global Facade Leader at Mott MacDonald Ltd, Technical Director at Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG and Technical Director at Seele Austria GmbH. He was also a Project Manager for ÍAV hf., also known as IPC (Iceland Prime Contractors), and Senior Structural Facade Engineer at Ove Arup Ltd.
Speaker 4 – Sophie Pennetier
Sophie Pennetier is a structural engineer with expertise in façades and sustainability. She founded Digne in 2024 to support manufacturers and non-profits decarbonization in the built environment. Digne projects include glass recycling research and innovation, carbon-informed design and procurement support to manufacturers including Enclos, and other circularity projects.
Her 17 years’ experience spans from consulting (with RFR, GNA, SHoP Construction, Arup) to contracting with Enclos, where she has lead sustainability efforts until 2024.
Adjunct Faculty with SCI-Arc since ‘21, Sophie teaches Structures, Facades Tectonics and Embodied Carbon. Serving on the Board of Directors of the Façade Tectonics Institute, she has developed the FTI Carbon group research and grown its educational content. In 2023 she was awarded, in the individual category, the US Glass Sustainability Award for her contributions to industry research and education.
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By Joep Römgens, Head of Service, Marketing and Product Management Schüco Benelux
About Joep Römgens.
Nearly 10 years ago Joep joined Schüco International, one of the leading international suppliers of high-quality window, door and façade systems. With a master´s degree in Architecture and nearly 20 years experience in the construction industry Joep is now leading the Schüco Benelux Team for Service-, Product- and Marketing-Management.
Joep leads his team with ´customer centricity´ as their main driver across Service-, Product-, and Marketing- Management. Every aspect of daily business prioritizes the customer, ensuring that market feedback is key in their approach. Joep’s team is committed to developing market-oriented solutions, maintaining their position as innovation leaders, and consistently delivering high-quality, service-oriented products and services.
Joep has a passion for sustainability and firmly believes that it is time to take responsibility in combating global warming. He is thrilled to find the same sense of urgency with his employer, Schüco, where environmental responsibility is deeply integrated into their corporate ethos.
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By Raya Trifonova, Head of International Business Development BU Façade Schüco International.
About Raya Trifonova
Raya is a façade expert with structural engineering background. Her portfolio consists of a number of challenging projects across the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Europe and the Middle East. Raya is working on some of the most innovative products of the company in the field of curtain walling. Raya is leading the effort for Schüco Germany to bring clarity into the issue of the new UK fire regulations and deliver safe products for the building envelope.
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By Prof. Daniel Arztmann Head of Custom Engineering International Schüco International
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By Andreas Bitter Head of Sales Grid2Shell.
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By Stephen Tanno Director Pre-Construction Services Schüco International.
About Stephen Tanno
Stephen Tanno graduated from The University of Southampton in 1987 and worked as a Consulting Engineer for the next 16 years, including 5 years with Ove Arup in Sydney and 8 years as Group Director with Buro Happold, where he founded the Façade Engineering Group, in London. In 2003 he joined Schneider GB Ltd initially as UK Technical Director and later as UK Managing Director guiding the company to become a market leader. In 2011 He joined Seele GmbH as Projects Director, and in 2015 he joined Schueco International as Director of Pre-Constructions Services.
He is a chartered engineer in both the UK and Australia and has a consistent track record of leading and delivering complex and bespoke high quality projects. He is a lateral thinker and has an all-round appreciation for design, engineering, and build-ability. He has extensive knowledge of project delivery from initial planning and design stages right through construction and handover. In recent years Stephen has collaborated with numerous architects to develop sustainable and functional façade designs that went on to be implemented to a realistic budget through a reliable delivery mechanism by close collaboration with façade contractors.
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